Tuesday, January 18, 2011

just in case...

You may be one of those people who, like me, follows your blogs on googleReader and rarely visits people's blog pages individually except to help pictures load faster. I love the convenience of reader, but realize that I miss out on the beautified pages people have spent time (minutes, hours, days?) creating for my viewing pleasure, or because they had nothing better to do? Anyway, the point of this is to invite you, our blog follower, to visit our individual page to see the new design my handsome and handy husband created! He was supposedly teleworking that day ;) You will notice that the name of our page has changed since, sadly, we have been dog-less for a year now since putting Jeter to sleep. On a good note, it now tells a little history of how this girl and that guy came to be a couple :) Enjoy.

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