Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 8

So today is Day 8 of our South Beach Diet (phase 1). A few thoughts to share:
- I have never eaten so many vegetables in one week in my life. While they may be tasty, vegetables do not fill you up like a nice plate of spaghetti...
- sugar free jello is y.u.m.m.y.! as one of the only dessert options we have for another week, jello has been critical as a 8pm snack to help take the edge off.
- cheese, meat, eggs and vegetables pretty much sums up our diet of the past week; I think I could go without any of those for this next week... especially eggs... but no, another casserole is in the over. we have to eat something for breakfast!
- Geoff's biggest craving has been for pizza, which I admit sounds pretty good but I have been mostly craving fruit, fruit juice, fruit salad, fruit snacks... you get the idea
- going through the grocery store when you can't eat 90% of it is basically torture
- I have avoided watching the Food Network, Rachael Ray, MVF, etc. Its just not worth it
- some recipes that you don't think sound all that good turn out really, really great (for example, last night's dinner: SB barbecue chicken, and roasted cauliflower= delish!)

here's to hoping this week flies by, cuz next week I get some of my fruit back and Geoff can have his homemade pizza. oh happy day :)

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