Friday, September 20, 2013

21 months

Well I skipped 20 months altogether. Oops. I feel like Zoe has grown and changed so much just in the past few weeks it's hard to keep track of what happened when. I am realizing just how easy it is to forget the details over time so I know I will appreciate these little snippets as the years go by- and if you do, too, then that's a bonus. 

- Zoe is so very vocal right now! She's starting to have conversations with her animals or dolly and while I don't understand any of it, it melts my little mom heart. She says juice, here (sounds like chee), more, mama, dada, potty, draw, no, yeah, ball, shoes, see, done... And probably others that I can't think of right now
- she can sometimes put her shoes on by herself, and already has a love for shoes in general. She hardly ever has her shoes and socks still on when we get to our destination, but whatever makes the car ride bearable...
- Zoe loves playing outside, is getting pretty good at running, is much more opinionated about what we're doing and let's you know it, loves being chased or hide&seek, and continues to have an unfortunate obsession with electronics
- Zoe enjoys looking at books herself and having them read to her, has started "counting" her fingers, toes, cars as we go by... But each one is "two"; she started talking to herself at night when we put her to bed and could happily chatter away for an hour before falling asleep; she wakes up happy, jumping in her crib and plays games and babbles with Geoff when he goes in to get her

I'm sure there is more that I'm missing, but in general we are just having a lot of fun watching her grow and develop so quickly before our eyes. She can be very sweet at times and very naughty at others. Testing limits and running away when we say "come here" are some of the things we are working through right now. Parenthood is such a blessing and a challenge and we are enjoying it all. And we can't wait to add baby #2 to the mix in just 11 weeks!!

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