Thursday, August 8, 2013

19 months // 19 weeks

The last month of summer and I, for one, am glad. Not that I can complain about the weather we have been having, but I just love Fall. We've gotten a glimpse of it these past few weeks with cooler mornings and cool breezes. Bring on the chill in the air, the apples, the pumpkins, the baked goods and the sweaters! 

At 19 months, Zoe is full of energy and curious about everything. She wants everything named for her and points to each item over and over, especially her food on her plate, toys, picture books, etc. She makes the "aw" sound when giving hugs and if she's lazy she might just make the sound and kinda lean toward you as her "hug". Zoe loves helping- put groceries away, carrying things inside, putting things away in her room (always check in her second drawer, it's where everything ends up), put laundry in the washer and dryer... Seems like we will be pretty set with a housekeeper once baby 2 comes :)
Favorite activities include playing outside especially with sidewalk chalk, bubbles, or at the playground; watching Veggietale videos; reading books and trying to get her hands on whatever piece of technology is around and within reach. 
A few not-so-fun things right now: she's back to throwing food on the floor at every meal; picky appetite; blatant defiance. Her latest thing which is super naughty but super cute is closing her eyes and staying still when she's being told "no" or about to be corrected- like she's ignoring us or we can't see her anymore. Oh man it's so funny because where in the world did she come up with that? But man it is also so naughty. She is definitely helping to improve my prayer life. 

At 19 weeks, I'm feeling very pregnant but feeling good. Don't have much energy most days and am hungry all the time. Im definitely feeling flips and kicks which is one of my favorite parts. Our big ultrasound is on Friday! It's fun to see your little one in so much detail. We won't be finding out the sex of baby 2 again, it was a lot of fun to be surprised when Zoe arrived!

1 comment:

  1. I love that last photo of you two. We miss the Peck family!
