Friday, July 26, 2013

July Happenings

Hello there blog world! Once again I've been too busy with life to keep you updated so this will be a catch-all post for the past month. 
July 4th we had a cookout at our place and then went to the Air Force Memorial to watch the DC fireworks. Zoe did really well staying up hours past her bedtime... She wasn't too sure what to make of the fireworks but was captivated by them for sure. 
We spent a hot sticky afternoon exploring the Jefferson Memorial. July has finally brought normal hot and humid temperatures so our outdoor activities have been pretty limited. 
We spent part of a weekend with dear friends in Pa. Don't be fooled by the expressions, these two have a budding romance in their future :)
Geoff and I went to see the Brewers play the Nationals when they were in town. Good thing it was $1 hot dog night so the night wasn't a total bust ;) of course they won the games we didn't go to...
Our sweet Zoe turned 18 month old! Wow! She is talking so much now, though we don't understand most of it. She's starting to mimic us more, loves playing outside, loves trying on shoes... She wants to be the center of attention and hams it up when we Skype with her grandparents. She says "hi" and "bye" and waves to just about everyone we pass in the store, on the street, etc and keeps at it til they acknowledge her. Her appetite fluctuates a lot but fruit continues to be the consistent favorite. She is down to one longer afternoon nap now, although this latest teething episode has interrupted her sleep more than any other time I think. Poor girl takes so long to get her teeth it's like a continual cycle. These should be the last ones til she's 2. She is more of a mommy's girl right now for sure, and has started hating going to nursery at church. She cries and cries and cries. Hoping this doesn't last too long! She whines and is starting to tantrum when she doesn't get her way. Which is often. She is very opinionated and has a strong personality, but makes up for it with lots of hugs and kisses these days. The sweet moments certainly outnumber the terrible, but it's hard to remember that in the moment sometimes! My need for patience and grace grows daily, which is such a glaring reminder of my own need for my Savior. Parenting is truly designed to make you more holy!
Baby 2 is just about 17 weeks and growing big and strong. I had some bleeding this month that turned out to be nothing but scary, so we are extra grateful for a healthy baby so far! I'm getting some of my energy back and feeling good overall. Entering the stage of the continuous appetite though I fill up fast, but only for 30minutes :) It's definitely different the second time around when you just don't have so much time to think about it! Hard to believe in 6 months we'll have another!
Well I think that hits the high points of the month. Thanks for catching up with us!

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