Friday, June 22, 2012

5 months

  Hard to believe this little munchkin is 5 months old already and will soon have been around for half of a year. Where does the time go?! Everyone tells you that it flies by, so enjoy every moment... its difficult to understand just how true this is until you are living it.
 There are lots of things we can already say "remember when she would..." and reminisce about the first terrifying days of being at home, the sleepless nights, the breastfeeding struggles, the first smiles, the cuddling and rocking her to sleep... now she's eating solid foods and almost sitting on her own. Yikes, I'm afraid we'll blink and she'll be walking, going to Kindergarten, borrowing the car... Ok maybe that's a bit extreme :)
Zoe girl, we cannot imagine life without you and are so blessed to be your parents. You bring us so much joy! We just love you to pieces.

1 comment:

  1. and of course we are sooooo blessed to be the grandparents or whatever we are to be called! ;-)

    warms our hearts to see you guys so happy and blessed. thanks for sharing!
