Friday, June 8, 2012

4 months

This post is quite late seeing as little Z is almost 5 months now, but you'll overlook that won't you? Its difficult to make time for blog posting during nap time when there are several (hundred) other things calling for my attention and such a limited time for me to get them done! I applaud those mamas out there who are so faithful about it.

At 4 months, Zoe measured in at 15 lbs 1 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. She continues to be around the 75th percentile for height and weight and we're so blessed with a healthy, happy girl! Most days she is down to 5 feedings, and we started solid foods this week. So far she is enjoying sweet potatoes!

In the past 3 weeks, she has found her toes and really enjoys grabbing them whatever chance she gets. Its become another favorite activity on the changing table especially. She rarely rolls over but continues to do better and better with tummy time. She is so strong its amazing how well and how long she can hold that head up!

Zoe continues to be quite the talker and has now added a sort of growl to her repertoire. She seems to wind up and push her chest out when she does it, so we call it her Godzilla impression. We usually know she is awake in the morning by hearing her babbles over the monitor and she seems quite content to talk away until one of us (usually Daddy) rescues her from her crib. Its so nice when she wakes up happy and content! She and Daddy will often hang out together for a bit in the morning until I can pull myself out of bed. I'm still not a morning person and 7:30 comes so early it seems. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that she sleeps thru the night and consistently lets us sleep until 7:30 or sometimes even 8. The later the better for me :-)

While we have some bad days here and there, and there are things that just aren't as easy or fast as they used to be, we're so very thankful for our little girl. Life is not the same, its even better.

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