Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Little man at 4 months

- Lots of smiles and some giggles if you try really really hard
- likes looking at the cute guy in the mirror
- purposefully grabbing and hitting at toys
- He enjoys when I sing to him or when we all dance around. He's also started babbling so much- I think he is trying to sing along
- for the majority of the past 8or so nights, Kellen has slept all.night. Like 11-6 at least. His parents are loving it. 
- along those lines, we are kicking him out of our room and into his crib in his shared room with Zoe this week. Fingers crossed...
- spent his first few nights away from home this past weekend when we visited my family in PA. He enjoyed all the attention. 
- he chews or sucks on his fingers a lot though he has yet to find his thumb 
- Kellen got to meet both of his uncles this month, and gets to meet his Oma and Opa this coming week when they visit from Wisconsin. 

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