Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving in my Heart

I'm sure its remarkable the number of blog posts, Instagrams, facebook statuses, tweets, texts, emails, etc. that will deal with "giving thanks" in the next few days... and the general absence of those types of messages during the rest of the year. I'm glad we have a day set aside to remember, to reflect, to focus on the things and the people and the gifts we have been given that we often overlook and take for granted the other 364 days of the year, but I know, for myself anyways, that being focused on giving thanks throughout the year makes a world of difference in my attitude and outlook on life. So I know its a bit early for resolutions, but I hope that between this Thanksgiving and next, my life will be marked by the giving of thanks for the big and the little, the momentous and the mundane, the ordinary and the extraordinary. I live a blessed life and I have every reason to be giving thanks on a daily basis, and my desire is that I would not get distracted by the misbehaving child, the mountain of dishes, the meals that need prepared... but that I would find something to praise God for each day. I don't have to look that hard.

So for today, I'd like to give thanks for just a few things::: the changing seasons, a warm cup of coffee, clean water to drink, the ability to work hard and the opportunity to relax, salvation, a healthy baby on the way, a loving husband, a precious little girl, family, friends near and far, technology, the quiet, a warm place to call home, grace, & chocolate:::

Happy Thanksgiving!

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