Tuesday, November 26, 2013


In October, during Geoff's furlough while the government was shutdown, we took a few family adventures! We spent time drinking coffee and walking around Old Town Alexandria, one of our favorites; we spent part of a day in Annapolis; and we spent a day "out west" in the mountains, picking pumpkins and enjoying a picturesque picnic. We loved the extra time with daddy home, and Zoe got quite used to all the attention - she had a bit of an adjustment when he went back to work.

 The second weekend of November, Geoff and I got away for a little babymoon while Zoe stayed with my parents. Mom and Dad had given us a gift certificate last Christmas for a B&B in Lancaster, where we stayed the first few days of our honeymoon, so we figured we had better use it before Baby2 arrives! They of course loved having lots of grandparent time, and we enjoyed 2 days of eating out, relaxing, and not following any sort of schedule. It was delightful.

Zoe was 22months old on the 12th of November, and her development continues to astound us. There is no way of keeping track of all the words she says now -- many of them sound the same so context is key, but its just amazing how much her vocabulary has expanded in a month! Some of her new words or phrases: "brrrzy" for cold, "bye mama, dadda" for goodnight, apple, draw, potty, phone, pray, and "yumyum" for hungry. We've introduced the potty but haven't started "training" yet. We also got her a toddler bed which she slept in once for nap (her request) and then refused to sleep in the next few days. After Thanksgiving and we're home again for awhile, we will (hopefully) make the official transition. We do have a bassinet for baby so we'd have a few months til we need the crib, but we're trying to make that transition before its necessary. Lots of changes coming and I don't want them all happening at once!

Zoe has spent the last few days in Lancaster with my family, and Geoff and I plan to join them tonight. I've been able to get some freezer meals prepared, cleaning and organizing done, and some relaxing, too. Plus we've had date night:) Its been a nice little break but we're anxious to be with her again soon.

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