Wednesday, February 13, 2013

13 months

Its funny to me that almost every "month" post starts out with "I can't believe how quickly this month flew by..." and the month between 12-13 seemed to take for.ever. Maybe that's because Zoe was sick twice and our car was being repaired so we were holed up in the house a lot, or so it seemed. I don't know. But anyway, here's an update at 13 months...

The oh-so-funs:
- Zoe is incredibly expressive and vocal at this age. She makes us laugh. A lot.
- Her most common word is "hi" but she has added "bye" to the mix this month although she can't say the B so its just "aye". Its pretty cute. She is good at waving and giving kisses, as long as its mostly her idea/timing.
- She's slowly being weaned and is only being nursed 3x a day right now. She does not like milk so it hasn't been as easy a transition as I was hoping for but so far, so good. She still sleeps a solid 12-13 hrs a night and naps twice {usually}. Her morning nap is about 40minutes at 10am, afternoon nap is 1.5-2.5 hrs at 2pm.
- She's had the chance to play in the snow a few times and loves it! She fits in to this family well :)
- Zoe is not walking yet and doesn't seem all that interested in it. I suppose this could go in either category for different reasons, but its fun to watch her try and stand on her own for a second at a time when she thinks we're not watching :) She still cruises around on everything and gets into anything she wants so it doesn't seem to make that much difference.
- She is definitely a performer. When we Skype with her grandparents she loves to put on a show and be extra goofy. Its great fun.
- She clearly signs "all done" when she's done eating, but usually not before food has been thrown on the floor

The not-so-funs:
- She still throws food on the floor at meal time, and quite defiantly. Her taste buds seem to change daily so its always a guess as to what she will eat, but cheese and blueberries are consistent winners.
- She's learned how to push the buttons on the TV (yes,we still have an old one with buttons on the front) and gets pretty upset when told no or removed from the TV. It's usually her own program she's turning off so I don't mind that much, but still don't want to teach her that it's ok to touch.
- Zoe likes to gag herself, especially when she is told no. So far she's only made herself throw up once but its really not very fun to watch or listen to.
- I'm attributing it to teething because I do think she has some molars coming in, but she's pretty grumpy these days unless she is being held. And by grumpy I mean screaming crying.
Our sweet Zoe, each day is a new exciting adventure with you! You make us smile and laugh and we wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. Even when you're grumpy :)

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