Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Munchkin is 10 Months!

 It seems like Zoe has grown up so much in the past month! She's completely mobile now and into everything. Here are some funs and not-so-funs from 10 months old:
~ its been amazing to watch her master the crawl, and then sitting from a crawl position. She follows us around and is able to occupy herself for longer periods of time.
~ Seems like as soon as she mastered crawling, she began pulling herself up to stand at the coffee table, ottoman, tub... basically anything she can get her hands on. This is both a fun and not-so-fun because nothing is safe anymore. Little arms have quite the reach!
~ She plays hide and seek and peek-a-boo like a champ. This is one of my favorite new developments!
~ She's really enjoying feeding herself which means I can try to do something else while keeping one eye on her
~Zoe has started giving her stuffed animals hugs and she is much more freely giving out kisses to us. Precious. She is also more cuddly when she is tired, which I love.

She would not give Clem a second thought this month.
This is before she threw him off the chair.

Not- so- funs...
~ With all this crawling and standing, bed time has become more of a challenge. She sits or stands up both when she is supposed to be going to sleep and sometimes in the middle of the night. Because she hasn't learned yet how to lay back down, she cries until we help her out. Its both pathetically cute and tiring :)
~ Don't know if its because she tires herself out with all the movement or what, but she can be quite whiny between her afternoon nap and bedtime. It can be a loooong 4 hours.
~She's working on 2 upper teeth which are just starting to show thru, but this definitely seems to contribute to her crankiness and short naps.
~ If she doesn't like what she is being fed or is done eating, she's started spitting her food, like blowing raspberries. Not cool. 
~ She still wakes up for one last feeding between 10-11pm which makes it hard for us to go out for too long at night or go to bed early. I'm contemplating how to get rid of this feeding... maybe she needs more solid food during the day?

Each day is different and seems to bring new joys and new challenges. We're so thankful for our healthy, mostly happy little girl who makes us laugh so often. Zoe Paige you continue to steal our hearts. We love you!

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