Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google Chrome on Fatherhood

As fatherhood rapidly approaches (t-minus 100 days and counting), I am noticing signs that I'm turning into a big sap. For example, this is my favorite commercial on TV right now, and not just because I like Google Chrome:

This ad resonates with me in several ways:
  • Holding: Dad admits that he's still getting used to holding little Sophie. Yeah, I have no idea how to hold a baby. Or change diapers. Or get one to stop crying. There will be a lot of things to get used to.
  • Giggles: The quick clip of Sophie laughing at her 1st birthday party is amazing. I can't wait to hear my baby laugh and melt my heart.
  • Helpless: Sophie has to go to the hospital with a fever, with Dad acknowledging how helpless he feels. So many things are completely outside of my control as it is now, and it's hard to think about how little I'll be able to control once Baby Peck arrives.
  • Model: The Dad in this ad is completely unlike most dads portrayed in popular culture today. That is to say, he's not a complete moron. This Dad is a loving, caring, sentimental, humorous, providing, protecting, family man. I hope I'll be that kind of Dad.

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