Thursday, July 7, 2011


Now that I've reached week 14 of pregnancy, little baby is about the size of a lemon! Isn't s/he cute?! My second check-up and ultrasound is tomorrow and we're super excited to see Baby P looking more baby-like, with legs and arms fully developed, and a neck holding up its head.

We have made the decision to not find out whether we're having a boy or girl, so bring on the neutrals!

The toughest part for me so far has been the lack of food that is appealing. I really don't crave many things, but there is a lot that I avoid like the plague. This makes meal planning/ take-out/ grocery shopping pretty difficult. Poor Geoff has not had a decent home-cooked meal in weeks I'm pretty sure. Pasta and pizza are about the only things I'm really digging right now, and I'm ashamed to admit we've had pizza 3 times in the past week. I just identified meat as another big category of food that I've developed an aversion to, so any good vegetarian recipes you know of, please do share :)
I'm determined to not have pizza again tonight so I must go peruse the kitchen for some inspiration...

1 comment:

  1. I had the pretty much the same aversions you've had when I went through the first trimester (and a little into the second): the thought of Mexican food, meat, cream sauces made me want to puke my guts out. I also had the same cravings for lemonade, chocolate milk and fruit (TONS of fruit!). What worked for me most of the time is having "brinner". Breakfast foods were the only things that never grossed me out the whole time, so we had quite a bit of bacon (the only meat that didn't gross me out, for some reason), french toast, pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, cereal, etc. A lot of the women I talked to had the same aversions, too--especially the meat one. It gets a LOT better and switches to EVERYTHING sounding absolutely delicious (which also makes it hard to decide what to eat because it's hard to settle on just one thing, haha!)
    We decided not to find out the sex, either, which a lot of people seem to admire. Be prepared for a lot of people asking you, "But... HOW are you going to decorate?! Or shop for anything?!". I also got complaints from a few people that it was too hard to shop for something for our baby because they didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. Thankfully, a lot more people seem to find it exciting when expecting moms/couples decide not to find out and like guessing what they think it'll be. For example, my students had serious debates over it and are probably still placing bets, haha!
